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3D STLi lithium metal all solid state battery 3D printing small test line

Update time:2024-10-12

The lithium metal all solid state battery 3D printing test line (3D-STLi) is mainly used for the integrated production and manufacturing of lithium negative all solid state batteries in glove boxes. Through the full process of raw material baking, weighing, vacuum stirring, electrode sheet composite electrolyte 3D printing, rolling, lithium metal cutting, lithium metal negative electrode sheet making, press fit electrode ears, electrode sheet cutting and forming, electrode sheet stacking, bare cell hot pressing testing, ultrasonic welding, aluminum-plastic film top side sealing, and vacuum packaging, the complete preparation of all solid state batteries is achieved

  • Product Details

• Equipment Introduction:

The lithium metal all solid state battery 3D printing test line (3D-STLi) is mainly used for the integrated production and manufacturing of lithium negative electrode all solid state batteries in glove boxes. Through the full process of raw material baking, weighing, vacuum stirring, electrode sheet composite electrolyte 3D printing, rolling, lithium metal cutting, lithium metal negative electrode sheet making, press fit electrode ears, electrode sheet cutting and forming, electrode sheet stacking, bare cell hot pressing testing, ultrasonic welding, aluminum-plastic film top side sealing, and vacuum packaging, the complete preparation of all solid state batteries is achieved.

• Equipment advantages:

Equipped with a lithium metal negative electrode cutting and forming system, it can achieve effective application of lithium negative electrodes.

Equipped with a high-energy digital manufacturing all solid state battery composite electrode 3D printing system, it can achieve double-sided printing of the positive/negative electrodes of all solid state batteries and integrated double-sided composite printing of all solid state electrolyte layers. Micron level high-precision printing capability ensures stable and controllable quality and consistency of polarizer.

The glove box level atmosphere protection system customized and developed based on the manufacturing process and specialized equipment of all solid state batteries has wider material adaptability and can be used for the integrated preparation of all solid state batteries for water and oxygen sensitive materials.

It can be equipped with various types of battery 3D printing nozzles to achieve rapid production of composite electrode sheets in multiple sizes and specifications. Integrated design of the entire line reduces equipment footprint, significantly streamlines manufacturing processes, and effectively assists in accelerating the research and industrialization of all solid state batteries.


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