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The whole line scheme advantage

Release time:2024-10-12      Number of clicks:1408

The delivery of the pilot lithium metal all-solid-state battery equipment line solution for lithium metal negative all-solid-state battery preparation difficulties, with comprehensive performance advantages:


Equipped with lithium metal negative forming system, lithium negative electrode can be produced efficiently;


Equipped with all-solid-state battery composite pole piece 3D printing system, it can realize double-sided printing of positive/negative electrode of all-solid-state battery, and can realize integrated double-sided composite printing of all-solid-state electrolyte layer;


Supports a wide range of material systems and enables the efficient preparation of pole sheets with unique/complex internal structures;


Micron high precision printing ability, ensure the quality and consistency of the pole plate stability and control;


Based on the manufacturing process of all-solid-state batteries and special equipment, the customized glove-box atmosphere protection system has a wider material adaptability and can be used for the integrated preparation of all-solid-state batteries with water-oxygen sensitive materials.


The integrated design of the whole line reduces the footprint of the equipment, greatly simplifies the manufacturing process, and effectively promotes the development and industrialization of all-solid-state batteries.

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